To continue with my almost never posting, a nice little fluff piece dedicated to my closet. Because I am slowly loosing all the baby weight (a little too slowly... but I'm not giving up the booze) I have been needing to go through all my stuff, and see what is still a little tight and what has gotten to large. I have found that this is one of my favorite things to do once the kid is down for the night. Take a drink, go into my closet and just organize it to within an inch of it's life.
One thing I have been doing for ages is to make lists of items that I want, or really like. An example looks like this:
Red/orange pants
some white tops
I may love making the lists more than actually shopping (that would have NOTHING AT ALL to do with still having weight to loose). I also have become adept at seeing things in a store, and then about 2 or 3 months later being all: "duuude! why didn't i get that (insert cute item here) when i saw iiiittttt???" or seeing something on a someone whose style I like, and then starting the obessive search for said item (that is usually 5 years old). I am truly fun to live with.
Pretty soon my sights will shift from being all about ME! ME! ME! to beating the rest of the house deocrating into submission. The house, I may have mentioned before - I don't remember - is quite large so just in cases: the house is about twice the size of houses we used to have. And has a "modern" open floor plan. Which really just means that there is lots of wall space that makes up 2 or 3 rooms and makes painting a pain in the ass. The house is painted a sickly shade of builder beige, and while we don't like it, so far there hasn't been the "oh god! must paint over this NNNOOOWWW!"
Dude - I started this damn entry almost a month ago! I rule.
Anyway, it is time to start getting the house ready for the impending first birthday party. God help us all!!