I can't seem to remember to do things like post on my blog. So a super brief update: things are going very well here in Atlanta! Freya is doing lots of babbling and giggling, and she can hold her head up. She is starting to think about rolling over for reals yo. And she is getting much better at sitting up.
Cannot wait for Labor Day weekend - hopefully things will all go well and she will be a super traveler. Mostly I can't wait to see everyone and show off the Piglet.
Now, off to make the super list for all the crap that we need to bring along. My god that child's needs so much crap to go places. I am rather minimal when we are out and about now - just diapers, wipes, cream and the emergency pacifier. Really all we need to add to the carry on is a bottle and we are set for the flight. Now its all the stuff that we will "need" while visiting, like all the clothing and food and blankets and so on and so forth. How funny is this: I can pack everything that Chris and I will use in one small bag, Freya gets the big bag for all of her stuff.
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