Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ode To a Target Wine Cube

Also known as sometimes the stress of finishing an entire bottle before it gets that nasty vinegar edge to it is too much when one goes to bed at 9 p.m.

Wine from a box is hardly something that I would consider as a fantastic thing. That was before I discovered the Wine Cube at Target. Take a nice wine (award winning even) and put 2 bottles worth into a cute little square that fits nicely on the kitchen counter.

I guess when the most stressful thing going on is whether or not I can finish a bottle of wine, things must be going pretty well!

In other news, Freya had her tear ducts opened last week. It was a huge success! She doesn't look like she's always crying. Now I just gotta get the chapped cheeks under control. Oh, and you know you are a new mother when you kick a nasty diaper rash to the curb and want to brag about it to everyone you work with.

"Hey Sivy! What did you do this weekend?"

"OH! Just kicked some diaper rashes ass!!"

Yeah, I'm totally the party girl! Here it is, only Tuesday and I am planning my weekend: I WILL go to Ikea if it kills me (need a comforter cover, toddler tubby and Swedish meatballs) and I need to hit the super-mega Target and get me some wine cubes. At $10 a piece -LOVE-!!!

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