Freya has figured out how to get her thumb in her mouth, she has been trying to get that worked out from the day she was born. I'm still bummed that the camera was at the other end of the house when she figured it out, because the look on her face was priceless (the "ha! got you - you bastard - take that" look). In the morning, after she eats and I am cramming something in my mouth, she'll holler for a little bit then remember that she has a thumb and then she'll sit quietly with it in her mouth. Evenings are when she likes a pacifier, usually when I'm making dinner and she is charming the socks off her father. She looks so much like Maggie from the Simpson's, the way she sucks on the pacifier, it's really cute.
Her favorite game to play with her father right now is to smile and almost giggle when he kisses her on the head. She has also discovered the dragonfly mobile in her crib. Which is very useful in the afternoon when I need to get chores done, it will hold her attention for about 15 minuets. It is amazing what I can cram into that short amount of time these days.
She is also enjoying "tummy time" with her boppy most afternoons. After afternoon nap, she is usually up for a couple hours now (say 6 to 9:30-ish) and what better time to work on head control!! Tummy time is also known as grouchy baby drooling on boppy, while cat keeps the dogs under control time.
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