Well we have certainly been busy the last couple weeks. First thing was Oyster Festival and it was the bestest one yet... even if one of us had thrown out his back, but it was properly medicated with Gin so no worries there. We had a fantastic visit with the Family, and Goosy stayed at home with Grandma, making this also the first time that both of us were away from the kid (only the second time for me).
Then we had a weekend off - and got lots done around the house and did crazy things like get to know our next door neighbor a little better (we have only been in the house for almost 4 years, we rare getting much better!). Then last weekend we went up to Kingston Springs to spend the weekend with my Godmother. Taking both dogs and the kid. We left our house at about 6:15 and it took until almost 8 before we were clear of traffic and into Tennessee. Thankfully the kid slept almost the entire way, and the dogs settled down nicely. We made very good time, and once we cleared a very surreal Chattanooga we had smooth sailing all the way to Cindy's house. The dogs got along great with hers (POSH and Rudy) and Polly the cat even got into the spirit and teased Maggie . We had a fantastic visit, Goosy got to play outside as much as she wanted and she became best friends with Rudy. And even though her sleep got all messed up (hello 4:30 am) she went to bed nice and early Saturday. I spent Friday evening getting kicked by a toddler and shoved by a Moose. Not my best sleep. Chris took Freya when she woke up Ungodly:30 and I was able to get some sleep. Which was great because we got to go to a lovely Farmers Market - that had several grass fed beef vendors (and there are like none at our Farmers Market) and we just had fun looking at everything. We ended up getting some kale, goat cheese, tangerines and apples, to go with the chili that was waiting for our dinner. Then it was back to the house for some lunch and wine in the back yard. (The weather was just perfect - warm and sunny.) The dogs played and played and played and the kid played and played and played with them. We had a bonfire that Freya collected the sticks for and it was just a great evening telling tall tales and drinking. Sunday we went to the dog park in the morning and then drove home that afternoon. I really didn't want to come home. Took lots of great pictures and I have totally fallen in love with the little hunting lodge and the city of Nashville.
Then - Thanksgiving was last week. We stuffed ourselves silly over at The Jones' and a lovely time was had by all. We provided the Sangria and Tammy's cousin made the greens and Tammy made the rest of it. And oh boy! It was soooo good. I broke Paleo and had some bread - which I regretted the next day, but it was totally worth it at the time. Sunday we put the tree up and Freya has been going full on Christmas since.
This weekend, we have "off" and then my parents are coming in for a visit - so we get to have Christmas twice. Woohoo! And Sally is going to be here for Christmas, and the week after, when Freya's school is closed. Grr. (on the closed school, not Sally). Thank god I have paid vacation this year. And... that's all for now. I'll post some more exciting scatterbrained rambling later.
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