Lets see - a rather uneventful weekend, just the way I like weekends to be. Freya got her 2 month immunizations on Friday, and she did beautifully - no fever or crankiness (other than the someone just jabbed 3 holes in my legs, I'm gonna scream for a while crankiness). She conked out for the night at around 9, and I then fell asleep on the sofa with her at around 9:30.
Saturday we vacuumed the house - one of her favorite pass times, and then we went and had Mexican for lunch, well Chris and I had Mexican, Freya took a nap.
Sunday was remarkable because she took a long afternoon nap, and I finally (!) got to dye my hair a lovely shade of auburn. I now have what I consider my natural color again (Irish Setter Red). Next is a nice hair cut at the end of August!
And so far today - I got a filling fixed, so now I can chew on both sides of my mouth. It does feel like the filling is a little high still, but I'm going to wait a little bit - till all the numbness wears off - and I have a meal or two on both sides before I call. I have been eating on only the right side of my mouth for the past month, so that may be why it feels odd...
Now, I just need to get the white linen pants I saw Friday out of my head. With any luck, when I swing by Marshall's tonight they will have been sold! But if they are still there, I will most likely purchase upon them - and then purchase all the bleach I can fit in a grocery cart!!
First of all, your baby (my cousin! yay!) gets cuter by the week. Just when you think they couldn't possibly get ANY cuter? They manage to find a way. I respectfully request to see the above-mentioned fabulous polka dot dress on your beautiful child, as I'm sure it enhances her cuteness even further.
Second, if you haven't purchased the white linen pants yet? Run, don't walk. I wear mine everywhere. Sunny BBQ parties, the pool, the grocery store, and once (gasp) to play golf. I needed bleach for that last one, but it was totally worth it. :)
Request granted!
And - aren't white linen pants the reason God made bleach to begin with??
I tired golf once - couldn't hit the ball to save my life! Must be because I am so used to soccer and tennis balls that golf balls are just to little! Ha ha ha!!
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