Monday, August 25, 2008


And so the countdown to the first plane trip with Freya begins! I am both very excited and very nervous... Not so much about how Freya will take to flying - I will have a bottle and her binkie ready - but about my ears as I have managed to get sick again. Or maybe I'm just still sick from before and all this not sleeping or remembering to eat is kicking me in the ass. Anyway - it's off to Target today at lunch for some super cold/sinus medicine. And maybe some clothing items that will transition from summer into fall, as I am slowly putting together a wardrobe that will fit now as well as after I loose the remaining baby weight. (Not doing so bad - got about 15lbs to go!) Because that is what everyone really needs to know, that I am going to buy clothing at Target. Sheesh. Riveted now aren't you??


SillyHilly said...

I buy clothing at Target whenever possible. Even...even...(whispers)...the famous white linen pants. No, I'm not kidding. But they look like Banana Republic, so I'm pleased.

Bathing suits.
Flip flops.
Sunglasses (fresh pair yesterday).

There's no shame in the Target game. Target is baby wipes and cute t-shirts and paper plates and new mascara and cool straw handbags. Target is love.

Sivy said...

Lord - If I didn't have TJ Maxx, Marshall's, Nordstrom Rack and Target I would have no clothing. And Freya would just be wearing a diaper.
Does your Target have their Box Wine?